How To Stay Responsibly In The Hotel During A Vacation?


Ela Lopez

Staying as guests in hotels brings along a lot of responsibilities. We do not bother being the best guests but want the best facilities in return. Read this eye-opener blog and ask yourself if you are right or wrong.

Why Be Responsible Guests At Hotel?

Whenever we think of a vacation, we immediately think of getting the best hotel for us. We want the best facilities, best comfort, and best price too. But are we being the best guests? We have some responsibilities as guests as well. Read ahead to know more about it.

Know Your Responsibilities Right Here!

We have compiled a list of staying manners and etiquettes for the guests. Understand and be a responsible guest. If we expect the hotel management and housekeeping to work for us unstoppable, then we must also work to take some load off.

1.) Follow The Covid Protocols

Considering the pandemic, the tourism and hotel industry is turning the tables to keep their guests safe. But are we helping them? Since vacations have become a trend again, people have become highly irresponsible. Can’t we follow the Covid guidelines strictly?

  • We need to do this for our safety!
  • Wear masks and use sanitizers frequently.
  • Teach your kids the sensitivity of the situation and encourage them to be a part of the precautions army!
  • Carry your basic medicines if possible rather than yelling at the management in case of urgency! If allowed, basic medication must be carried along.
  • Maintain distance and do not put others at risk.
  • In case you feel unwell while staying at a hotel, immediately inform and get yourself tested.
  • After the tests, if it is positive, please cooperate with the staff and help them sanitize your stuff and room.
There is no harm in following rules and regulations! For your good, for everyone's good!

2.) Do Not Spoil Their Property

Well, damaging the property of a hotel, accidentally or deliberately is a big NO! In case you are accompanied by your children, teach them the basic manners of being at a hotel.

Draw Lines

You must draw lines to teach them to be away from mischievous attitudes that can damage or break hotel property. Enjoying is different but bringing in a loss for the hotel is a different thing.

  • Stay away from delicate and expensive artifacts and paintings. Clicking photographs and V-logging are not required everywhere. It just doesn’t look nice.
  • Stop yourself and your kids from leaning over furniture and delicate things. Hotels have best facilities for your comfort. There are sofas, couches, and beds for you. Not everything is meant to relax.

Accept Your Mistakes

In case damage has been done by your end, accept it gracefully. Do not start the blame game. Be graceful and express sorry. You never know if the hotel refuses to take a fine from you. But your attitude shall make a difference. So, if you start fighting unnecessarily, then do not expect any favour.

3.) Do Not Disturb Other Guests

Do not consider a hotel as your own house. Yes, as guests we expect the same level of comfort in the hotels too. But always keep in mind that other guests have also paid to relax and rejuvenate. So, the basic manners suggest not to disturb the other guests and keep enjoying at a tolerable volume.

Everyone wants a stress-free stay! So do not disturb!
  • Keep your excitement limited to yourself. It must not reach your neighbours or in the hotel corridor.
  • Your TV volume or music volume must be low.
  • In case you are quarrelling over something, please do not let the other guests get a glimpse of it.
  • Since V-logging and videos are a great trend, make sure you aren’t covering anyone else without their permission. Privacy is a must! Plus, do not disturb others with your camera, voice, lights, photoshoots, etc.
Know Some Dos and Don'ts For You All

4.) Always Be Thankful To The Staff

You must always be thankful to the hotel staff. Especially to the efficient housekeeping staff. Your words of appreciation and gratitude infuse motivation in them.

You do not even imagine what motivation does for them. It is the need of the hour to encourage the work they do and make them soak in all the motivation.


It is highly recommended to be a responsible guest. While staying in hotels, be sure to follow all the rules and regulations of the management and enjoy your stay the most.

Do not fail to search for the best hotels, as per your preferences but do not step behind from giving your responsible and considerate inputs too. You can find the most suitable hotels from Thankfully, the services you get from here would automatically push you to be responsible.

Anyway, it is a two-way process. When a hotel does for you, you wish to do for them as well!